Fire Terms

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

7/22/2014 8:30 am Logging Unit Fires

Logging Unit Fires
Fire Information Update

Tuesday, July 22, 2014 – 8:30 a.m. PDT Fire Status Update  
% Contained
Total Personnel
Total Logging Unit Fires
Haily Butte

Camas Prairie/Logging Unit

Bear Butte 2-North


News & Highlights for the Logging Unit Fires       Fire Information Line: 541.777.2862

·         Firefighters have made excellent progress with line construction on the Camas Prairie Fire supported by National Guard helicopters and air tankers. Yesterday, a total of five heavy helicopters assisted, and a dozen loads of retardant were dropped on the fire.

·         The Sid Walter Flat area has been reduced from a Level 2 Notification to a Level 1 Notification.

·         Road and area closures are in affect for Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs lands (see below).

·         Five interagency hotshot crews, nineteen 20-person hand crews, 62 engines, 18 dozers and 12 water tenders are currently assigned.  Four National Guard helicopters, 2 Blackhawks and 2 Chinooks, and an additional heavy helicopter, are being utilized for the Camas Prairie Fire.

·         Firefighters are taking advantage of a moderated weather pattern of cooler temperatures and higher humidities to make a direct attack on the fires over the next couple of days.

·         The burn scar from the Bald Peter Fire has effectively checked the W/NW flank of the Bear Butte 2 Fire (north half) from advancing. There is still potential for the fire to progress on the W/SW flank, however.

·         A Red Flag Warning is in effect for potential thunderstorms and abundant lightning; ground crews are on alert for downdrafts associated with thunderstorms.

·         Department of Environmental Quality smoke monitoring sensors are indicating generally good air quality throughout central and eastern Oregon at this time.

Logging Unit Operations Summary:

Yesterday, four National Guard helicopters, an additional heavy helicopter, and air tankers were utilized to further cool the eastern flank of the Camas Prairie/Logging Unit Fire, allowing firefighters on the ground to make excellent progress.  

On the Skyline and Haily Butte Fires, crews are making good progress with mop-up. On the Logging Unit/Camas Prairie Fire, crews have completed line on the W flank, have starting line construction on the S flank and will begin line construction on the N flank today. A structure protection group is in place.

On the Camas Prairie Fire, a night shift conducted a burnout operation on the E flank last night.  Today, crews will construct fire line and conduct burnout on the NW flank, scout fire line placement on the S flank; hold line, burnout and conduct direct attack on the E flank, and prep the 200 Road utilizing a direct attack approach on the NE flank.

Firefighters checking on the Pinhead Fire reported it to be 1/10th of an acre in size. The fire has been contained.

On the Bear Butte 2 Fire-North, crews will scout, construct direct hand and dozer line, burnout indirect line if necessary, and work on spot fires.


Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Road & Area Closures:

Closures that apply to public with the exception of local residents:
  • B-180/Hwy 26 Jct
  • B-160/Hwy 26 Jct
  • B-140/Hwy 26 Jct

Closures that apply to all public:
  • B-160 near the B-165 Jct
  • County Line Rd at the end of the pavement
  • J-100 at the Tenino Rd/J-100 Jct 
Area Closures:

Log Unit/Camas Prairie Fire Closure
Northern Boundary: From the W-100/W-200/B-200 Jct, west on the W-200 to the W-240 to the S650 to the Reservation boundary.
Eastern Boundary: From the W-100/W-200/B-200 Jct, south on the B-200 to the B-200/B-210 Jct (Trout Lake Rd).
Southern Boundary: From the B-200/P-500/B-210 (Trout Lake Rd) Jct west to Trout Lake.

Bear Butte 2 Fire Closure:
All areas south of Whitewater Canyon to Jefferson Cr/Reservation Boundary.

 Mt Hood National Forest Closures:
  • FR 4220 between FR 46 and Warm Springs
  • Closure area near Ollalie Lakes
  • Pacific Crest Trail from Breitenbush Lake (Mile 2047.1) to Road 42 at the Joe Graham Campground (Mile 2083). For additional information on the Pacific Crest Trail status, contact the Mt Hood National Forest at  or the Pacific Crest Trail Association at  
Logging Unit Fires: Located on Warm Springs Agency approximately 25 miles NW of Warm Springs. Fire is burning in mixed conifer above 3800 feet and ponderosa pine below 3800 feet and grass & brush at lower elevations. Started: July 16, 2014. Cause: Lightning caused. Location: Western boundary of Confederated Tribes of Warms Springs lands.
SAFETY CONCERNS: Snags, power lines, rattlesnakes, scorpions, bears, rugged terrain, access to adequate safety zones, livestock, steep and dusty roads, rolling material, potentially slick roads associated with precipitation.

RESOURCE CONCERNS: Main concerns include the threat to commercial timber and natural resources on Warm Springs lands, including old growth trees, pristine spring chinook runs, water quality, wildlife, plant and cultural concerns.

WEATHER: Partly cloudy with a 30% chance of rain/thunderstorms. Some dry thunderstorms are possible with erratic and strong wind gusts. Temperatures in the high 60s to high 70s and relative humidities 30-40%. This weather pattern will continue through Wednesday, returning to mostly sunny, windy and warmer on Thursday. 

Fire behavior will be moderated again today, with the exception being any outflow winds from passing thunderstorms, which can produce dramatic and variable winds.  Fire behavior will react aggressively to gusty winds, otherwise, expect creeping, smoldering and low intensity surface fire spread.  Inversion should begin to lift around 2:00 p.m.

COOPERATING AGENCIES & PARTNERS: Warm Springs Agency, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Mt Hood National Forest, Deschutes National Forest, Willamette National Forest and Prineville Bureau of Land Management, Oregon Department of Transportation.  

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