Fire Terms

Friday, July 3, 2015

7/3/2015 NWCC Large Fire Brief

Morning Brief

Date/Time Stamp: Thursday, July 03, 2015 - 07:00 hrs

Activity Summary

In the Northwest:
A few lightning strikes in South Central Oregon. Initial attack activity was light. 4 new large fires. Continued growth on the Corner Creek fire (+7,000 acres). Increased containment on most other large fires. One IMT Deployment IMT2 WA Team 5 (Leitch) to Twenty-One Mile Grade.

Preparedness Levels



3 (no change)


3 (no change)

Northwest PL Forecast:







Northwest Fire Activity

Large Fire Summary
New large fires: 4
Large fires contained: 4
Uncontained large fires: 15 (OR: 8, WA: 7)
New Fires and Acres: 20 fires for 4,066 acres
(7,884 acres growth on existing large fires)
OR: 13 fires for 709 acres
WA: 7 fires for 3,357 acres

Northwest IMT Activity

Area Command Teams committed: 0
NIMOs committed: 1
Type 1 IMTs committed: 1
Type 2 IMTs committed: 3

National Fire Activity

Initial attack activity: Moderate (226 new fires)
New large incidents: 7
Large fires contained: 6
Uncontained large fires: 28

National IMT Activity

Area Command Teams committed: 0
NIMOs committed: 1
Type 1 IMTs committed: 2
Type 2 IMTs committed: 12


Current Incident Details

Incidents not Previously-Reported: 4
Arnold Peak WA-OWF-000337. ICT4. 23 mile NW of Oroville, WA. Start 7/02. Monitor/Full Suppression. Timber. Cause: Lightning. Active fire behavior. 115 acres. 0% containment. Fire started in Canada and crossed the border.
0312 RN OR-PRD-000312. ICT3. 5 miles S of Clarno, OR. Start 7/2. Full Suppression. Brush/grass. Cause: unknown. 700 acres. 0% containment. Extreme fire behavior.
Upper Goose Lake WA-MCR-000340. ICT4. 7 miles NW of Othello, WA. Start 7/2. Full Suppression. Brush/grass. Cause: unknown. 840 acres. 0% containment. Minimal fire behavior.
Davis Pass WA-SES-000341. 8 miles S of Goldendale, WA. Start 7/2. Full Suppression. Brush/grass. Cause: unknown. 2,000 acres. 0% containment. Active fire behavior.
Incidents Previously-Reported: 15
Corner Creek OR-OCF-000297. IMT1. ODF Team 1 (Buckman). 11 miles S of Dayville OR. Start 6/29. Full Suppression. Brush/grass/timber. Cause: lightning. 14,500 acres (+7,000). 0% Containment. Active fire behavior. Improvements and sage-grouse habitat threatened. ODF Team 1 (Buckman) managing (OR-OCF) Corner Creek, (OR-PRD) Sugar Loaf, Blue Basin, Schoolhouse Gulch.
Sleepy Hollow WA-WFS-000518. IMT2. WA Team 2 (Rabe). 1 mile W of Wenatchee, WA. Start 6/28. Full Suppression. Grass/brush. Cause: unknown. Minimal fire behavior. 2,950 acres (+0). 98% containment. Multiple structures lost. IMT supporting the Monument fire and IA. WA Team 2 (Rabe) managing Sleepy Hollow and Monument.
0268 PRD Sugar Loaf OR-PRD-000268. IMT1. ODF Team 1 (Buckman). 9 miles N of Dayville, OR. Start 6/27. Full Suppression. Brush/grass/timber. Cause: unknown. 5, 057 acres (+0). 85% containment. Minimal fire behavior. Structures threatened. One outbuilding destroyed. IMT supporting Blue Basin, Schoolhouse Gulch and Corner Creek fires. ODF Team 1 (Buckman) managing (OR-OCF) Corner Creek, (OR-PRD) Sugar Loaf, Blue Basin, Schoolhouse Gulch.
Paradise WA-OLP-000005. NW NIMO (Hahnenberg). 13 mi NNE of Quinault, WA. Start 6/15. Confine. Timber. Cause: lightning. 1,140 acres (+80). 21% containment. Minimal fire activity with some backing and creeping.
Bunker Hill Complex OR-UPF-201556. IMT2 OR Team 2 (Fillis). 30 miles SE of Oakridge, OR. Start 6/26. Full Suppression. Timber. Cause lightning. 388 acres (+0). 75% containment. Active fire behavior. Includes; Bunker Hill fire and 6 Misc ABC fires totaling 20 acres.
0301 PR Blue Basin OR-PRD-000301. IMT1. ODF Team 1 (Buckman). 9 miles N of Dayville, OR. Start 6/29. Full Suppression. Brush/grass/timber. Cause: human. 317 acres. 95% containment. Minimal fire behavior. ODF Team 1 (Buckman) managing (OR-OCF) Corner Creek, (OR-PRD) Sugar Loaf, Blue Basin, Schoolhouse Gulch.
Monument Fire WA-WFS-000601. IMT4 (Fortier). 8 miles NE of Quincy, WA. Start 6/30. Full Suppression. Brush/Grass. Cause: unknown. 1,965 acres (-135). 98% containment. Minimal fire behavior. WA Team 2 (Rabe) managing Sleepy Hollow and Monument.
21 Mile Grade WA-COA-0098. IMT2. WA Team 5 (Leitch). 22 miles N of Keller, WA. Start 7/1. Timber. Full Suppression. Cause: Human. 1,000 acres (+800). 10% containment.
Le­­­­slie Gulch OR-VAD-000062. ICT3 (DeLong). 45 miles S of Vale, OR. Start 6/28. Full Suppression. Grass/brush. Cause: lightning. 8,688 acres (+0). 90% containment. Minimal fire behavior. Sage-grouse habitat burned.
Buckskin OR-RSF-000382. IMT4 (Cabral). 10 miles SE of Cave Junction, OR. Start 6/11. Full Suppression. Timber. Cause: lightning. 5,345 acres (+0). 60% containment. Minimal fire behavior. Mop-up and patrol. Area closures in effect. Transfer of command to ICT4 (7/2). 209 to reporting schedule weekly. Last report unless significant activity occurs.
SE Benton Complex WA-WFS-15-2435. IMT3. 15 miles SE of Kennewick, WA. Start 6/27. Full Suppression. Grass. Cause: unknown. 2,400 acres (+0). 100% containment. No new information. Last report unless significant activity occurs.
Road 6 WA-WFS-000519. ICT3. 10 mi E of Brewster, WA. Start 6/29. Full Suppression. Grass. Cause: lightning. Smoldering. 2,424 acres (+0). 100% containment (7/2). Fire mobilization ended 7/2. Last report unless significant activity occurs.
Jones Canyon OR-952S-015118. ICT3 (Wagner). 42 miles NNE of John Day, OR. Start 6/28. Full Suppression. Grass/brush. Cause: lightning. 840 acres (+0). 40% containment. Minimal fire behavior. Previously listed in morning brief as OR-MAF-15118.
Candy Kid OR-BUD-005072. ICT3 (Rott/DeLozier). 8 mi N of Drewsy, OR. Start 6/29. Full Suppression. Grass/brush. Cause: lightning. Minimal fire behavior. 462 acres (+0). 100% containment. Within sage-grouse habitat. Last report unless significant activity occurs.
Ayers Gulch WA-DNR-000443. ICT4. 11 miles S of Clarkston, WA. Start 7/1. Grass/Brush. Full Suppression. Cause: Undetermined. 399 acres (+4). 100% containment (7/1). Last report unless significant activity occurs.

Northwest Fire Potential Summary:

The airmass over the region remains hot and dry inland. A disturbance passing through western Canada will boost westerly winds through the Columbia Gorge and along the east slopes of the Oregon and Washington Cascades during the day. The combination of stronger winds, low humidity and high fire danger will elevate the risk of new large fires in the affected areas on Friday. By Sunday a renewed risk of lightning will elevate the risk of new large fires over south central Oregon (PSA NW07) for the following few days.  

National Incident Management Situation Report (IMSR):

Other GACC Morning Reports

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