Fire Terms

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

7/7/2015 Twenty-One Mile Grade AM Fire Update

Keller, WA - 9am update for July 7- The Twenty-One Mile Grade Fire began on the afternoon of July 1and is now approximately 2,250 acres. It is located approximately  25 miles north of Keller,WA and east of Hwy 21.

Minimal fire growth occurred yesterday and overnight. Minimal growth is expected today;however,abnormally hot and dry conditions do continue with the potential for thunderstorms.

Safety concerns for today are:
    A chance of thunderstorms developing and the potential for high outflow winds over the fire.  While temperatures are somewhat lower today they are still higher than normal.
    Increased traffic will continue due to summer recreationists and fire traffic.
    Fireworks will continue to be a major concern. Fireworks are NOT allowed and Tribal Police will be strictly  enforcing fines and penalties.

Firefighters continued to make great progress while facing continuing hazards of steep terrain,snags in stands weakened by the fire,and falling/rolling rocks. The lines from the southwest corner of the fire to the north and the east were strengthened and held. Along the eastern perimeter, dozer line was strengthened and held along an old logging road from the south perimeter of the fire running to the north.  Three crews were supported in a spike camp on the northeast corner of the fire to work on the east and north perimeter  of the fire. On the north perimeter  of the fire,4 hotshot crews continued direct line construction from Hwy 21 to the east and spent last night in a spike camp to continue that work today. The spiked crews have nearly completed a line across the remaining unlined portion of the fire on the north perimeter. Helicopters continued to drop water cooling down hotspots along the lines.

Two minor injuries occurred yesterday:a scorpion bite and a saw injury. Both firefighters were treated on the line and returned to work by the end of the day. This brings the total of injuries to three minor injuries to date on this incident,all minor.

Travelers are advised to drive defensively on Hwy 21due to heavy volume of recreation traffic and emergency vehicles. One lane traffic controlled by flaggers will be experienced at an oil spill recovery site between Keller and the fire with an anticipated 20-minute wait time.

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