Fire Terms

Monday, August 24, 2015

8/24/2015 NWCC Morning Brief

Morning Brief

Date/Time Stamp: Monday, August 24, 2015 - 0700 hrs.

Activity Summary
In the Northwest:
No lightning occurred across the geographic area. No new large fires. Continued growth on existing large fires.

Preparedness Levels

Northwest5 (no change)
National5 (no change)
Northwest PL Forecast:

Northwest Fire Activity

Large Fire Summary
New large fires: 0
Large fires contained: 0
Uncontained large fires: 24 (OR: 12, WA: 12)
New Fires and Acres: 24 fires for 65 acres
(52,780 acres growth on existing large fires)
OR:   8 fires for 30 acres
WA: 16 fires for 35 acres

Northwest IMT Activity

Area Command Teams committed: 1
NIMOs committed: 2
Type 1 IMTs committed: 6
Type 2 IMTs committed: 12
Wildland Fire Management Team: 0

National Fire Activity

Initial attack activity: Light (185 new fires)
New large incidents: 4

Large fires contained: 0
Uncontained large fires: 78

National IMT Activity

Area Command Teams committed: 3
NIMOs committed: 0
Type 1 IMTs committed: 18
Type 2 IMTs committed: 31

Current Incident Details

*Area Command is managing the following fires in northeast Washington: Kettle Complex (Stickpin, Renner and Roy), Kaniksu Complex (Tower and Baldy), Colville Complex (Marble Valley, Gold Hill and Graves Mountain), Carpenter Road and North Star.
PNW Team 3 (Lewis) IMT1 is transitioning to provide support in the NE WA theater.
NW NIMO (Hahnenberg) and SA NIMO (Quesinberry) assigned to support Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest.
Incidents not Previously-Reported: 0
Incidents Previously-Reported: 24
Okanogan Complex (5 fires) WA-NES-001203. IMT1. RM Team (Pachota). 13 miles NW of Omak, WA. Start 8/14. Full Suppression (all fires in complex). Timber. Cause: Lightning. 244,570 acres. (+18,364). 10% containment. Active fire behavior with group and single tree torching and spotting. Residences and structures destroyed. Residences threatened. Evacuations in effect. Road, area and trail closures in effect. Fire mobilization authorized (8/17). FMAG approved (8/15).
Includes: 9 Mile (WA-NES-001147). 4,720 acres. (+0). 95% containment; Beaver Lake (WA-OWF-000671). 25,956 acres. (+4,553). 0% containment; Twisp River (WA-NES-001351). 10,053 acres. (+1,321). 0% containment. Fire mobilization authorized (8/19); Lime Belt (WA-OWF-000657) 75,787 acres. (+2,540). 20% containment; Tunk Block (WA-NES-001219) 128,054 acres. (+9,950). 15% containment.
*North Star WA-COA-000157. IMT2. SW Team 5 (Nieto). 25 miles E of Omak, WA. Start 8/13. Full Suppression. Timber. Cause: Human. 147,000 acres. (+15,000). 3% containment. Active fire behavior with running, group torching and spotting. Residences, commercial property and structures threatened. Road and area closures in effect. Evacuations in effect. Fire mobilization authorized (8/19).
Chelan Complex (5 fires) WA-SES-000701. IMT1. SW Team 1 (Templin). 1 mile S of Chelan, WA. Start 8/14. Full Suppression (all fires in complex). Timber and grass. Cause: Unknown. 87,598 acres. (+186). 40% containment. Active fire behavior with uphill runs and single tree and group torching. Residences destroyed. Residences, commercial property and structures threatened. Road and area closures in effect. Evacuations in effect. FMAG approved (8/15). Type 1 IMT (Templin) managing Chelan Complex, First Creek, Wolverine, Blankenship.
Includes 5 merged fires; Reach (WA-SPD-000651). Fire mobilization authorized (8/14); McFarland Creek (WA-OWF-000669). Fire mobilization authorized (8/17); Cagle (WA-SES-000655); Antoine Creek (WA-OWF-000654); Black Canyon (WA-OWF-000663). Fire mobilization authorized (8/17).
First Creek WA-OWF-000650. IMT1. SW Team 1 (Templin). 8 miles NW of Chelan, WA. Start 8/14. Full Suppression. Grass and timber. Cause: Lightning. 3,541 acres. (+1,248). 2% containment. Extreme fire behavior. Residences and structures destroyed. Residences and structures threatened. Road closures in effect. Evacuations in effect. Type 1 IMT (Templin) managing Chelan Complex, First Creek, Wolverine, Blankenship.
Wolverine WA-OWF-000287. IMT1. SW Team 1 (Templin). 3 miles NW of Lucerne, WA. Start 6/29. Point Zone Protection/Full Suppression. Grass, brush and timber. Cause: Lightning. 52,001 acres (+2,431). 30% containment. Active fire behavior with group torching, uphill runs and short-range spotting. Residences and structures destroyed. Communities, residences and structures threatened. Evacuations in effect. Road, area and trail closures in effect. Evacuations resulted in suspension of the $300M Holden Mine reclamation project. Type 1 IMT (Templin) managing Chelan Complex, First Creek, Wolverine, Blankenship.
*Kettle Complex (3 fires) WA-COF-001264. IMT2. WA Team 1 (Ciraulo). 26 miles NW of Colville, WA. Start 8/11. Full Suppression (all fires in complex). Timber and brush. Cause: Multiple. 56,208 acres. (-3,113). 16% containment. Active fire behavior with group torching, spotting and creeping. Residences destroyed. Residences, commercial property and structures threatened. Trail and area closures in effect. Evacuations in effect. Reduction in acreage due to Graves Mountain no longer being managed under the Kettle Complex. Graves Mountain is now managed under the Colville Complex.
Includes: *Roy (WA-NES-001222). 120 acres (+0). 60% containment; *Stickpin (WA-COF-001111). 47,544 acres. (+4,196). 12% containment. Fire mobilization authorized (8/14); Renner (WA-COF-001202). 8,544 acres (+1,538). 0% containment. Fire mobilization authorized (8/19).
Grizzly Bear Complex OR-UMF-000947. IMT2. WA Team 4 (Gales)/OSFM Green Team (Kunze). 20 miles SE of Dayton, WA. Start 8/13. Confine/Point Zone Protection. Timber and grass. Cause: Lightning. 61,150 acres. (+0). 0% containment. Active fire behavior with short crown runs, short-range spotting and flanking. Residences and structures destroyed. Residences, commercial property, structures, campgrounds and natural resources threatened. Road, trail and area closures in effect. This complex contains 17 fires (varying sizes, some have merged). FMAG approved (8/21).
*Carpenter Road WA-NES-001235. IMT2. RM Team Blue (Esperance). 35 miles NW of Spokane, WA. Start 8/14. Full Suppression. Timber. Cause: Unknown. 35,198 acres. (+2,258). 18% containment. Active fire behavior. Residences, commercial property and structures destroyed. Residences, commercial property and structures threatened. Road and area closures in effect. Evacuations in effect. Fire mobilization authorized (8/14).
*Kaniksu Complex (7 fires) WA-COF-001302. IMT2. AK Black Team (Kurth). 35 miles E of Colville, WA. Monitor/Full Suppression. Timber. Cause: Lightning. 11,159 acres. (+0). 2% containment. Active fire behavior with group torching, uphill runs and spotting. Residences, commercial property and structures threatened. Road, trail, and area closures in effect.
Includes: Baldy (WA-COF-001003). 515 acres. (+0). 80% containment; Grease Creek (WA-COF-001212). 75 acres. (+0). 0% containment; Tower (WA-COF-001120). 10,238 acres. (+1,553). 5% containment; Onata Creek (WA-NES-001310) 300 (-300) acres. 0 % containment; Hall Mountain (WA-COF-001164). 20 acres. (+0). 0% containment; Slate Creek (WA-COF-001221). 1 acres. (+0). 0% containment; South Fork Slate Trail – D5 (WA-COF-001218). 10 acres. 0% Containment.
Canyon Creek Complex (3 fires) OR-MAF-015192. IMT1. GB Team 1 (Lund). 7 miles N of Seneca, OR. Start 8/12. Full Suppression (all fires in complex). Timber and grass. Cause: Lightning. 69,771 acres. (+7,979). 29% containment. Active fire behavior with running, group torching and creeping. Residences destroyed. Residences threatened. Road, trail and area closures in effect. FMAG approved (8/15).
Includes 3 fires. Berry Creek merged with Mason Spring: Berry Creek (OR-MAF-015271). 100 acres; Mason Spring (OR-MAF-0152270) 69,506 acres;Jerrys Draw (OR-952S-015306). 165 acres.
Eagle OR-WWF-000872. IMT2. RM Team Black (Greer). 25 miles S of Union, OR. Start 8/11. Confine/Point Zone Protection/Full Suppression. Timber. Cause: Lightning. 7,200 acres. (+660). 5% containment. Active fire behavior with group torching, running, and short-range spotting. Residences destroyed. Residences and structures threatened. Road, trail and area closures in effect. Evacuations in effect.
Upper Skagit Complex WA-NCP-000052. IMT2 GB Team 4 (Wilcox). 1 mile NW of Newhalem, WA. Start 8/10. Monitor/Confine/Full Suppression. Timber. Cause: Lightning. 3,675 acres. (+967).  0% Containment. Active fire behavior with flanking, group torching and uphill runs. Commercial property and transmission lines for the city of Seattle, WA are threatened.
Includes: Thursday Creek (WA-NCP-000040). 481 acres. (+208).  0% containment; Rocky Beaver (WA-NCP-000046). 141 acres. (+7).  0% containment;Goodell (WA-NCP-000039). 3,668 acres. (+450).  0% containment. Also includes additional fires totaling less than 100 acres.
*Colville Complex WA-NES-001196. IMT2. OR Team 2 (Fillis). 10 miles W of Colville, WA. Start 8/14. Full Suppression (all fires in complex). Timber. Cause: Human. 8,545 acres. 45% containment. Active fire behavior with torching and spotting. Residences and structures destroyed. Residences and structures threatened. Road, trail and area closures in effect. Graves mountain previously managed under Kettle Complex.
*Marble Valley (WA-NES-001224). 3,087 acres. (+0). 95% containment. Fire mobilization authorized (8/14); *Gold Hill (WA-NES-001234). 557 acres. (+0). 85% containment.; *Graves Mountain (WA-COF-001196). 4,651 acres. (+250). 8% containment.
County Line 2 OR-WSA-000060. IMT2. OR Team 1 (Sheldon). 15 miles NW of Madras, OR. Start 8/12. Full Suppression. Timber. Cause: Unknown. 65,155 acres.(+0). 67% containment. Active fire behavior with running, group torching and flanking. Residences and structures destroyed. Residences and commercial property threatened. Evacuations in effect. Trail and area closures in effect.
National Creek Complex (2 fires) OR-RSF-000836. IMT2. OR Team 4 (Goff). 10 miles SW of Diamond Lake, OR. Start 8/1. Full Suppression (all fires in complex).Timber. Cause: Lightning. 10,833 acres. (+1,539). 10% containment. Active fire behavior with backing and torching. Structures, residences, campgrounds, T&E species, hiking and OHV trails threatened. Smoke impacts to Crater Lake National Park. Road, area and trail closures in effect.
Includes: National (OR-RSF-000787). 120 acres (+0). 60% containment; Crescent (OR-CLP-000405). 10,713 acres (+1,539). 0% containment.
Cougar Creek WA-YAA-000157. IMT2. WA Team 5 (Leitch). 6 miles NW of Glenwood, WA. Start 8/10. Full Suppression. Timber and grass. Cause: Lightning. 30,400 acres. (+1,400). 15% containment. Active fire behavior with crowning, short-range spotting and flanking. Residences, structures, natural resources and campgrounds threatened. Road, trail and area closures in effect.
Stouts Creek OR-732S-000090. IMT1. ODF Team 2 (Cline). 16 miles E of Canyonville, OR. Start 7/30. Full Suppression. Timber. Cause: Human. 26,367 acres. (+179). 86% containment. Moderate fire behavior with backing and  creeping. Residences and commercial property threatened. Evacuations in effect. Road and area closures in effect. Conflagration Act invoked (7/31). FMAG approved (7/31).
Collier Butte OR-RSF-000808. IMT2. OR Team 3 (Johnson). 17 miles E of Gold Beach, OR. Start 8/2. Full Suppression. Timber and brush. Cause: Lightning. 9,600 acres. (+200). 40% containment. Moderate fire behavior with flanking, short-range spotting and backing. Commercial property and Snow Camp Lookout threatened. Limited access and steep slopes. Road, area and trail closures in effect.
Eldorado OR-972S-000942. IMT1. ODF Team 3 (Smith). 40 miles E of John Day, OR. Start 8/14. Full Suppression. Timber, brush and grass. Cause: Unknown. 20,611 acres. (+0). 70% containment. Minimal fire behavior with smoldering. Residences and structures destroyed.
Cornet-Windy Ridge OR-VAD-000163. IMT1. ODF Team 3 (Smith). 17 miles SE of Baker City, OR. Start 8/11. Full Suppression. Timber and grass. Cause: Unknown. 103,887 acres. (+0). 80% containment. Moderate fire behavior with backing and creeping. Residences and structures destroyed. Conflagration Act invoked (8/14).
Willamina Creek OR-SAD-000207. ICT3. 45 miles SW of Portland, OR. Start 8/19. Full Suppression. Timber. Cause: Unknown. 230 acres. (+14). 50% containment. Minimal fire behavior with creeping and smoldering. Road and area closures in effect.
Alder Lake WA-GPF-000627. ICT3. 7 miles S of Eatonville, WA. Start 7/26. Full Suppression. Timber. Cause: Lightning. 120 acres. (+10). 2% containment. Moderate fire behavior with short range spotting and flanking. Residences and structures threatened.
Falls Creek OR-WWF-001012. ICT3. 5 miles SW Joseph, OR. Start 8/22. Full Suppression/Confine. Timber and brush. Cause: Unknown. 270 acres. (+95). 0% containment. Active fire behavior with torching, backing and creeping. Residences threatened. Road and trail closures in effect.
Bendire Complex (3 fires) OR-VAD-000162. IMT3. 40 miles W of Vale, OR. Start 8/11. Full Suppression (all fires in complex). Brush. Cause: Lightning. 44,397 acres. (+0). 95% containment. Minimal fire behavior. Sage-Grouse habitat threatened. Includes 2 merged fires: Pole Gulch and Bully Creek. No information received.

Lists fires (of any size) that singly utilize Monitor, Confine, or Point Zone Protection suppression strategies, or use Multiple Suppression Strategies (which may also include a Full Suppression component).

Northwest Fire Potential Summary:

A dry southwest flow aloft is over the geographic area. There will be a slight chance for lightning east of the Cascades today and Tuesday, with chances increasing later in the week. IA is expected to be light, increasing to moderate as lightning potential increases. There is a low to moderate threat of new large fires.

National Incident Management Situation Report (IMSR):

Other GACC Morning Reports

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