Fire Terms

Monday, August 31, 2015

8/31/2015 Okanogan and Chelan Complex Fire Update

Okanogan Complex and Chelan Complex Fire Update
August 31, 2015, 9:00 AM
Fire Information: 877-568-0458 or 877-574-5148, 7:00 AM to 9:00 PM

Okanogan Complex                                                          Chelan Complex
Size: 144,179 acres                                                                                    Size: 92,516 acres
Containment: 30 percent                                                                       Containment: 50 percent
Estimated Cost to Date: $12.54 million                                              Estimated Cost to Date: $10.9 million
Injuries: 6                                                                                                      Residences Burned: 44
Residences Burned: assessment in progress                                 Total Personnel: 927
Total Personnel: 1,658                                                                             Committed Resources: 20 crews, 56 engines, 8 helicopters
Committed Resources: 34 crews, 154 engines,
30 dozers, 47 water tenders, 4 helicopters
With the Tunk Block and North Star fires growing together, California Interagency Incident Management Team 5 has transferred management of the Tunk Block portion of the Okanogan Complex to the Pacific Northwest Incident Management Team 3.  The Pacific Northwest Team will manage both the North Star and Tunk Block Fires.  In addition, California Team 5 assumed command of the Chelan Complex, to the south, at 6:00 this morning. California Team 5 will participate in a public meeting about the Chelan Fire at the Brewster High School at 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 1. Fire managers have been coordinating their efforts in recent days to make a seamless transition in managing these fires. Many of the firefighting crews will remain in place. These management changes have resulted in changes in the acreage, containment, and cost figures above.
Lime Belt Fire (128,237 acres, 15 percent contained): Crews on the Lime Belt continued to make progress, despite the return of strong, gusty winds yesterday. The fire has moved into heavy timber and steeper terrain where the wind has less influence on the fires spread. Wetting rains early yesterday also helped moderate fire behavior, but fuels remain dry and are actively burning. Preventing the fire from spreading north toward Loomis remains a priority for ground crews
and aircraft. Crews are using dozers and conducting defensive firing operations, when conditions are favorable, to help
secure the area. Twisp River Fire, Nine Mile Fire: Both fires are 98 percent contained and are in patrol and monitor status.
The northwest side of the fire is active and crews continue to construct containment lines to limit the fires spread northward. Firefighters are protecting structures in the Gold Creek and McFarland Creek areas. Remaining portions of the fire are largely in mop-up and patrol status.
Information on evacuations is available from the Okanogan County Emergency Operations Center at

Many firefighters and equipment are working along the roads. Please stay alert and slow down when driving through the fire area. Information on road closures is available from the Okanogan County Emergency Operations Center at 509-422-
7348 and on its Facebook page (link above). Additional information about closures is available from the Washington
State Department of Transportation at

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