Fire Terms

Monday, August 8, 2016

8/8/16 Kewa Fire Update

Start date:  8/2/16      Current Size:  1,951 acres      Percent Containment: 55%                        Location:  15 miles south of Inchelium, WA on the Colville Indian Reservation

Today’s plan
·        Resources will increase mop up distance from the firelilne toward the interior.  Cooler, wetter weather will help this effort. 
·        Forecasted thunderstorms and gusty, erratic winds can create hazards on the fireline, including fire-weakened trees.  Crews will post lookouts to reduce this risk.
·        Fire crews will grid an aspen stand near a residence. Gridding consists of searching for smoldering fire by travelling through an area on parallel lines.
·        Total resources on the fire: 573, including 16 crews; 20 engines; 14 water tenders; five skidgens, and four dozers; three helicopters, an air attack, and four FireBosses, available, if needed.

Fire planning and the PACE Model
·        Fire managers use a PACE model for fire decisions, including a primary, alternate, contingency and emergency plans.
o   The primary plan Sunday was to conduct a burnout within a bowl on the fire’s west side. Due to changes in weather and fire behavior, fire managers chose not to implement the burnout.
o   The alternate plan, based on moderated fire behavior and reduced risk to firefighters, is to construct fireline through the bowl on the fire’s edge. This work will continue today. 
o   The contingency plan anticipates response if fire movement or availability of resources compromise the alternate plan.
o   The emergency plan identifies ways to reduce risk to people, homes and other values.

Evacuations and Closures
·        Evacuations are at a Level 2 in the fire area.
·        Kewa-Meteor Road is closed between Twin Lakes-Nez Perce Road to Silver Creek Road
·        Kewa Road is closed between Kewa-Meteor Road to Silver Creek Road

Incident objectives
Provide for safety of firefighters and the public, minimize acres burned, protect natural resources, keep communities and interested parties informed of fire and fire management actions, coordinate with emergency managers and cooperators, and track suppression actions.

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