Fire Terms

Thursday, September 14, 2017

9/14/2017 Chetco Bar East Zone Fire Update

On Wednesday, the most significant fire activity in the Chetco Bar East Zone was in the north end of the fire perimeter. Smoldering, creeping, short uphill runs and single tree torching were observed near the horseshoe of the Illinois River.
Fire crews and masticators are working on completing reopened Biscuit fireline to the east.
The 784 Fire (Indigo Fire), on the West Fork of Indigo Creek was also active yesterday. This fire is
approximately 182 acres. It was detected on Monday, September 11th and is located approximately 10 miles north of the Chetco Bar Fire. Helicopters dropped water through the day to reduce its spread. Hand crews, dozers and a masticator continue to prepare the 055 and 510 roads to create a fireline to its east side. Crews on the 784 Fire/Indigo Fire will spend the next two nights in a spike camp near their work area to reduce exposure from driving long distances to the main fire camp.
Today, two crews will complete handline construction in spiny, rocky areas along the ridge west of the headwaters of Parker Creek. The crews will return to fire camp tonight after staying in a spike camp for the past two nights. East of the fire, crews, supported by heavy equipment including a feller buncher, are widening and improving the dozer line along Chrome Ridge and moving north toward Bear Camp. Fire crews are preparing line to Bear Camp from Galice, which provide containment lines for the Chetco Bar and the 784 Fire/Indigo Fire.

Fire crews plan to complete brushing out fireline from the west side of Tennessee Mountain to Woodcock Peak. Work along the Illinois River Road using a masticator is nearly complete. Personnel are scouting locations for fire line near the California boarder to tie in with dozer lines in the west zone.

Today’s high temperatures will be down 2-4 degrees with a high of 77 degrees on ridges. Relative humidity (RH) will decrease, with the minimum RH forecast at 25%. Winds will be light in the morning, forecast out of the north/northwest with little instability in the atmosphere. Wind gusts between 15-20 mph on ridges are forecast for tonight as a dry cold front moves into the area.
Smoke: There were areas of “moderate” smoke settling in the Illinois River Valley on Wednesday afternoon, which should continue for Cave Junction and Grants Pass today. Unusually sensitive individuals should consider limiting prolonged or heavy exertion. For current air quality information and forecasts go to

Closures and Restrictions: Many areas and activities are closed or restricted due to current and expected fire activity and hazard. More details are available on

People can view maps of the current Evacuation Notification areas at

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