Fire Terms

Monday, August 2, 2021

8/2/2021 Cedar Creek and Delancy Fires Update

Winthrop, WA — The Cedar Creek and Delancy Fires are burning on the Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest and public and private lands within Okanogan County. These fires are being managed by Great Basin Incident Management Team 1.

Fire Information Line: Cedar Creek and Delancy Fires: 509-557-0740 (8:00 am to 8:00 pm)

Fire Weather: Today marks the beginning of a drying trend. Humidity values will be 30 to 40 percent drier. In the morning winds will be light and terrain driven, becoming breezy in the afternoon, from the northwest. Wind gusts of 20 to 25 miles per hour are possible in the Highway 20 corridor and along exposed ridgetops and aligned drainages. The warming trend will continue Wednesday and Thursday and will bring the potential for gusty winds.

Cedar Creek Fire: The fire is currently estimated at 48,871 acres and is 23% contained.

Light precipitation over the fire yesterday, ranging from 0.15 -.25”, resulted in more favorable conditions for suppression actions. 

Crews working in the Vasiliki Ridge area on the far northwest corner of the fire will continue to improve the saw line line that runs east from near the Lone Fir Campground and upslope into an avalanche chute. If visibility improves enough to allow helicopters to fly, fire line managers will consider the use of retardant bucket drops to further strengthen the control line. Slash chipping operations have been completed and the chipping equipment and crew will continue working further east on the WA-20 Corridor towards Sun Mountain.

Mop-up along the north and northeast flanks is progressing well, and evacuation levels were downgraded for three subdivisions in the Mazama-Wintrop area from Level 3 to Level 2. At Free Stone, firefighters have completed a control line to contain the remaining hot spots. The line has been plumbed, meaning that fire hoses have been stretched along the line and water is available for suppression should the fire flair up. Engines are stationed in the area to provide protection for structures.

In locations along the WA-20 corridor where the fire perimeter is fully contained (black line on the map), excess hoses, pumps and other firefighting equipment will be collected and returned to base.

Last night an unmanned ariel system (UAS) equipped with an infrared camera flew the fire perimeter in the Gobblers Knob and Thompson Ridge area. The information the UAS was able to capture will be used to improve mapping in the area.

A direct line was constructed around the slop over at the 4410 Road west of Pine Forest. The 4410 has now been linked to other roads and dozer lines to connect to Thompson Ridge. This will become a control feature to prevent fire from moving toward the Twisp River Drainage. Fire crews are working up the Twisp River to re-open a dozer line from the 2018 Crescent Mountain fire to create an indirect control feature that will connect the Little Bridge and Crescent Mountain fire scars, and tie into natural barriers up on the main ridge above the Twisp River. This effort is to create a contingency line on the south flank of the fire.

A spike (remote) camp is being established at the Early Winter Campground on the northern end of the fire. Locating firefighters in this camp will position them nearer to the areas where they are working. This will reduce travel time to the fire line and allow the crews to spend more time on the fire and less time driving.

Public Meetings: Two public meetings will be hosted by the Southern Area IMT 2 and Great Basin IMT 1.

Representatives from Southern Area and Great Basin IMTs will provide detailed updates on the Cub Creek 2, Cedar Creek, and Delancy Fires. Okanogan County Emergency Manager Maurice Goodall will discuss evacuation status, and spokespersons from the US Forest Service and other community representatives will be available to take your questions.

The first meeting will be held Monday, August 2, 2021, at 6 pm in Mack Lloyd Park next to the Red Barn at 51 State Route 20, Winthrop. The following night, on Tuesday, August 3, 2021, at 6 pm a meeting will be held in Twisp River Park, 325 North Lincoln Street in Twisp. Both meetings will feature the same speakers and provide the same information.

Resources for additional information:

Facebook page: 


Smoke Blog:


Highway Information:


Methow Conservancy (Wildfire Preparedness):

Wildfire Ready Neighbors (House Assessments):

Resources: Total personnel - 830: 4 - type 1 hotshot crews, 11 - type 2 hand crews, 2 - type 2 initial attack hand crews, 2 - camp crews, 8 - type 1 (heavy) helicopters, 1 - type 2 helicopter, 2 - type 3 helicopter, 70 - engines, 6 - dozers, 5 – tactical water tenders, 22 - water tenders,1 - masticator, 2 - skidgen, 4 – skidders, 4 – excavators, 4 – feller bunchers, and 186 line supervision and support personnel.

Closures: For the safety of the firefighters and aircraft fighting these fires, a temporary flight restriction (TFR) has been placed over the area. Please consult the “Notice to Airmen” (NOTAM) for specifics. Wildfires are a “No Drone Zone” and any drones sighting in a TFR will immediately impede aerial firefighting resources and delay suppression actions.

State Route 20 (North Cascades Highway) remains closed at milepost 185 (7 miles west of Winthrop) to milepost 165 to all traffic due to fire activity.

The Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest has implemented a Fire Emergency Area Closure as of July 22nd, 2021. The Closure includes facilities, roads, and trails. The Closure may be viewed in its entirety at the “Cedar Creek and Delancy Fires 2021” Facebook page.

The Forest Service Fire Emergency Area Closure is separate from the Washington State Department of Transportation’s (WSDOT) closure of portions of State Route 20 and may change or be lifted at various times depending on operational needs. WSDOT is working closely with the Forest Service and Okanogan County to identify where fire activity and firefighting operations warrant closure.

Evacuation Information: The Okanogan County Emergency Management (OCEM) continues to reevaluate evacuation levels. For the most up to date evacuation levels see the OCEM’s website above.  Residents entering Evacuation Level 3 areas need to slow down and watch for firefighters and equipment in roadways.

Air Quality: Thick smoke settled throughout much of eastern Washington yesterday and especially in the Methow and Okanogan Valleys leading to widespread poor air quality. Today winds from the NW will develop in the afternoon moving smoke to the east and air quality conditions will improve for areas west of the fires during the day. Mazama, Pateros, and Chelan should benefit in particular. Warming temperatures will lift smoke so all should expect periods in the afternoon with somewhat better air quality. Smoke accumulates again this evening.

Fire Restrictions: Campfire restrictions are in effect. Campfires are prohibited throughout the Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest, including developed campgrounds and congressionally designated Wilderness — call local ranger district offices for more information.

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