Fire Terms

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

8/9/2023 Sourdough Fire Update


Sourdough Fire Update August 9, 2023

Sourdough Fire
News - 08/09/2023

Resources: 388 Total Personnel | 9 Hand Crews | 26 Engines | 5 Water Tenders | 6 Helicopters

(Newhalem, Wash.) -- The Sourdough Fire started with a lightning strike on July 29 near Diablo in the steep and rugged terrain of Ross Lake National Recreation Area, 7 miles northeast of Newhalem. The Washington State Department of Transportation in partnership with the Sourdough Fire Incident Northwest Management Team 10 and National Park Service reopened State Route 20/North Cascades Highway from milepost 120 in Newhalem to milepost 156 just west of Rainy Pass, located 45 miles west of Winthrop, at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, August 9. While the road is passable the National Park Service has closed camping, trailheads, overlooks, pullouts, and other recreation east of Newhalem.

Yesterday: Moist, favorable conditions kept fire behavior moderated. The Sourdough Fire had limited growth and is estimated at 1,748 acres.  Firefighters continued prepping along State Route 20 between Newhalem and just east of Gorge Lake, reducing fuels along the corridor. Hazard trees were removed along the highway, minimizing the threat to both firefighter and public safety. Crews working in Diablo continued to mop up and patrol around structures, improving their protection if the fire approaches. Power was restored to the North Cascades Environmental Learning Center. Crews worked throughout the day to secure the fire line on the Diablo Dam Road.  Two structures along the Sourdough Trail, including the Sourdough Lookout, were protected with a fire-resistant wrap. Aircraft monitored fire activity, and helped on-the-ground resources keep the fire from progressing further west. Firefighters worked on improving access to the powerline by reducing fuels in the area and conducting chipping operations. Crews improved protection of the cabins around Ross Lake Resort by mopping up and plumbing around the structures.

Today: Crews will continue to mop up and secure line around the structures in the Diablo community. As weather allows, aviation resources will be used to check the fire’s spread around the east and west flanks of the fire. Power has been restored at North Cascades Environmental Learning Center, and firefighters east of the fire will focus on monitoring the Sourdough Creek drainage. Resources working in the powerline corridor will monitor and improve control lines and begin moving hose lay into the area.

Weather: Rain and higher humidity is forecast over the Sourdough Fire today, which will limit any fire spread around the entire perimeter.

Safety: With State Route 20 now open, fire managers ask that you drive defensively and not interfere with the firefighting operations.

Smoke: Smoke from the Sourdough Fire may affect communities around the region. Information about current conditions and a smoke forecast is located at:

Closures and Evacuations: Evacuations are in effect for the North Cascades Environmental Learning Center and the community of Diablo.  Trail, area and camp closures are in effect; for more information, go to:

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