Fire Terms

Monday, July 15, 2024

7/14/2024 Falls Fire Evening Facts

Acreage: 55,000

There was not new mapping completed today. The fire did have some additional acreage, we will capture the new acreage as soon as possible.

Containment: 0%

The western control lines are holding very well, but containment will not be given a higher % until the fire team is absolutely certain control lines have no potential of escaping.

The Falls Fire was less active today than yesterday, but did have some growth around the perimeter, predominantly the northeast and northwest corners of the fire.

Firefighters continued to strengthen and build control lines off the strong southwest corner anchor point. Fire managers continue to scout out future potential control features and have resources coming in and on order to support this very dynamic wildfire.

The Oregon State Fire Marshal (OSFM) Blue Team inbriefed tonight with local agency administrators and the NWIMT8. Four OSFM Task Forces will be in place by tomorrow afternoon.

Evacuation levels remain the same this evening, visit the Harney County Emergency Management website and Facebook page for continued up to date evacuation information.

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