Fire Prevention Mitigation & Education

Washington State Fire Adapted Communities Learning Network

The Washington Fire Adapted Communities Learning Network (WAFAC),  funded by the Bureau of Land Management,  facilitates learning and provides a means to invest resources in communities around Washington that are working to better live with wildfire. The Network provides member communities with resources to engage with other WAFAC participants, thereby increasing local capacity, and elevating our collective ability to adapt communities’ relationships to the complex fire issues we face.

Fire Adapted Communities
Web for fire-adapted communities initiative: funding, community planning, Native use of fire,  and more.


NFPA’s Firewise Communities Program encourages local solutions for safety by involving homeowners in taking individual responsibility for preparing their homes from the risk of wildfire. Firewise is a key component of Fire Adapted Communities – a collaborative approach that connects all those who play a role in wildfire education, planning and action with comprehensive resources to help reduce risk.

Living With Fire
Guide of consistent wildfire threat reduction recommendations for homeowners living in fire prone area.

Ready Set Go!
This program helps fire departments to teach individuals who live in high risk wildfire areas – and the wildland-urban interface – how to best prepare themselves and their properties against fire threats.

 Smokey Bear Webpage
Fire prevention materials, tool kits, and resources.

Keep Oregon Green
Promote the dissemination of information to and education of the public in        the prevention of human-caused wildfires in the state of Oregon.

Creating Effective Citizen-Agency Partnerships 
This Practical Guide is a companion to the video program Communication Strategies for Fire Management: Creating Effective Citizen-Agency Partnerships. The video is designed to assist land management personnel in working collaboratively with citizens for community fi re and fuel reduction strategies. The DVD uses real world examples from successful agency communication programs to highlight effective approaches. It examines essential attributes for developing partnerships and offers a set of organizing principles to initiate an outreach strategy or to improve an existing one. This     guide goes further by outlining important steps for implementation.