Wednesday, July 1, 2020

7/1/2020 NWCC Morning Brief

Morning Brief

Date/Time Stamp: Wednesday, Jul 01, 2020, 07:48

Northwest Activity Summary

The weather remains cool, moderating fire spread across most of the geographic area. Moderate precipitation was recorded west of the Cascades and in the northeast corner of Washington which also received lightning. Initial attack was light, with one new large fire being reported in central Washington.

Northwest IMT Rotation (6/30 – 7/7)

For additional IMT information refer to the IMT Status/Rotation page

NW Area Type 1

NW Area Type 2

PNW Team 3 - Livingston

NW Team 12 - Dimke

PNW Team 2 - Allen

NW Team 13 - Gales


NW Team 10 - Lawson

Preparedness Levels  
 Northwest PL





2 (3/25)






National PL

3 (6/15)




Northwest Incident Activity
New Fires and Acres
13 fires for 403 acres
OR: 6 fires for 1 acre

WA: 7 fires for 402 acres

Large Fire Summary
New large incidents: 1
Reported incidents: 1 (OR: 0 WA: 1)
No growth on existing incidents

Northwest IMT Activity

NIMOs Committed: 0
Type 1 IMTs committed: 0
Type 2 IMTs committed: 0

National Fire Activity

Initial attack activity: Light (137 new fires)
New large incidents: 4

Large fires contained: 5

Uncontained large fires: 22


National IMT Activity
Area Command Teams: 0
NIMOs committed: 1
Type 1 IMTs committed: 1
Type 2 IMTs committed: 3


Nationally, there are 19 large fires being managed under a strategy other than full suppression.

Northwest Current Incident Details

Incidents listed below meet large fire criteria and/or incidents with a Type 1 or 2 IMT assigned. Large incidents are defined as fires which are 100+ acres in timber or 300+ acres in grass/brush. For additional information on incidents no longer listed below please refer to the NW Large Incident Summary or Northwest Fires Utilizing Monitor, Confine, Point Zone Protection Suppression Strategies (YTD)

Incidents not Previously Reported: 1

Big Horn. WA-SPD-000249. T3 IC. 7 mi SE of Ellensburg, WA. Start 6/30. Full Suppression. 400 acres. 40% containment. Grass and brush. Active fire behavior.

Incidents Previously Reported: 0

Northwest Fire Weather Summary

Expect cool temperatures and periodic precipitation today, falling mainly over western Washington, northern Washington, and northwestern Oregon, favoring coastal areas and higher terrain inland. Winds will be lighter than yesterday, but still breezy through Cascade gaps. Showers will decrease tomorrow, becoming more restricted to western Washington as well as along the Canadian border to the east. The region will be mainly dry by Friday and remain so through the weekend, but with some chances for afternoon mountain showers and maybe thunderstorms each day. Temperatures should warm up to near seasonal normal in the second half of the week. See your local NWS forecasts for details.

Northwest Fire Potential Summary

Winds today could spread fires in fine fuels in the Cascades’ lee-side valleys and around the Columbia Basin. Mild temperatures and moist air will keep the potential for significant fires in the region low through the week. Independence Day activities could lead to boosted ignitions this weekend.

More info, see NW 7-Day Significant Fire Potential Forecast, and National 7-Day Significant Fire Potential

National Incident Management Situation Report (IMSR): 

Other GACC Morning Reports

Eastern Area

Southern Area

Rocky Mountain


Northern Rockies

Great Basin

Southern California

Northern California


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