Wednesday, October 21, 2015

10/21/2015 OR/WA Statistics (9/30/2015)

                                                                                                                          September 30, 2015

2015 Northwest Fire Statistics to Date 

·         Since June 1st, approximately 1,636,970 acres were affected by wildfire in the Northwest (NW):
o   631,547 acres in Oregon and 1,005,423 acres in Washington.

·         There were a total of 3,814 reported fires in the NW Geographic Area:
o   2,273  in Oregon (human-caused 1,125, lightning-caused 1,148)
o   1,541 in Washington (human-caused 1,084, lightning-caused 457)

·         There were 102 fires meeting large fire* criteria: 43 in Oregon and 59 in Washington.

·         The Northwest Geographic Area was at Preparedness Levels 4 and 5 for a total of 47 days (PL 4 for 24 days and PL 5 for 23 days).

·         NW Incident Management Teams (National Interagency Management Organization, Area Command, Type 1 &Type 2) were mobilized 56 times. One or more teams were in place for 109 consecutive days from June 12th to September 28th.

·         To date, a total of 58,380 lightning strikes have been recorded.  The largest number of strikes occurring in one day was 6,469 (7/9).

·         In Oregon, the largest fire/complex is the Canyon Creek Complex for a total of 110,422 acres.  

·         The largest fire/complex in Washington is the North Star at 218,138 acres.

·         The estimated total firefighting cost to date exceeds $560,023,937; this includes $240,472,637** in Oregon and $319,551,300** in Washington.

·         During peak fire activity, over 11,450 firefighters and support personnel were actively working on NW fires.

·         In Oregon, fires affected 153,142 acres of Sage-Grouse habitat:
o   Very high priority habitat = Less than 1 acre
o   High priority habitat = 74,343 acres
o   Moderate habitat = 78,798 acres

*To be considered a “large fire”, a wildfire must be at least 100 acres in timber or 300 acres in grass or brush.
not all costs have been reported

Thursday, October 15, 2015

10/15/2015 NWCC Morning Brief - Final for the Season

Morning Brief

Date/Time Stamp: Thursday, October 15, 2015 - 0710 hrs. Final Morning Brief for the fire season unless significant activity occurs.

Activity Summary
In the Northwest:
Warm and dry weather across the geographic area. Light initial attack . Some prescribed fire activity reported and planned. Last Morning Brief for the 2015 fire season unless significant activity occurs.

Preparedness Levels

Northwest1 (no change)
National1 (no change)
Northwest PL Forecast:

Northwest Fire Activity

Large Fire Summary
New large fires: 0
Large fires contained: 0
Uncontained large fires: 0 (OR: 0, WA: 0)
New Fires and Acres: 3 fires for 20 acres
(0 acres growth on existing large fires)
OR: 3 fires for 20 acres
WA: 0 fires for 0 acres

Northwest IMT Activity

NIMOs committed: 0
Type 1 IMTs committed: 0
Type 2 IMTs committed: 0

National Fire Activity and Year-to-date Statistics

National Incident Management Situation Report (IMSR):

Reporting schedule weekly (Fridays) while at National Preparedness Level 1

Current Incident Details

Incidents not Previously-Reported: 0
Incidents Previously-Reported: 0

Lists fires (of any size) that singly utilize Monitor, Confine, or Point Zone Protection suppression strategies, or use Multiple Suppression Strategies (which may also include a Full Suppression component).

Northwest Fire Potential Summary:

National Incident Management Situation Report (IMSR):

Other GACC Morning Reports

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

10/6/2015 NWCC Morning Brief

Morning Brief

Date/Time Stamp: Tuesday, October 06, 2015 - 0650 hrs.

Activity Summary
In the Northwest:
No lightning or precipitation. Minimal IA activity. RX burning on Umatilla NF.

Preparedness Levels

Northwest2 (no change)
National1 (no change)
Northwest PL Forecast:

Northwest Fire Activity

Large Fire Summary
New large fires: 0
Large fires contained: 0
Uncontained large fires: 0 (OR: 0, WA: 0)
New Fires and Acres: 6 fires for 24 acres
(0 acres growth on existing large fires)
OR: 1 fire for 1 acre
WA: 5 fires for 23 acres

Northwest IMT Activity

NIMOs committed: 0
Type 1 IMTs committed: 0
Type 2 IMTs committed: 0

National Fire Activity and Year-to-date Statistics

National Incident Management Situation Report (IMSR):

Reporting schedule weekly (Fridays) while at National Preparedness Level 1

Current Incident Details

Incidents not Previously-Reported: 0
Incidents Previously-Reported: 0

Lists fires (of any size) that singly utilize Monitor, Confine, or Point Zone Protection suppression strategies, or use Multiple Suppression Strategies (which may also include a Full Suppression component).

Northwest Fire Potential Summary:

National Incident Management Situation Report (IMSR):

Other GACC Morning Reports