Sunday, July 28, 2024

7/28/2024 Homestead Complex Fire Update



Fire Information Friday, July 28, 2024 

Phone: 208-713-9693 (8 a.m. to 8 p.m.) 


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Two logos one that says Official Fire Information and the other that says National Incident Management Team Great Basin

Fireline Work Continues While Weather Pattern Holds 


The seven fires of the Homestead Complex currently total 1,466 acres with 4% containment. Suppression tactics are being prioritized by threat to property, infrastructure, industry, and areas with the highest probability of success. There are currently 406 personnel assigned to the incident. 


Fire activity is expected to be moderated by smoke and cloud cover for the next few days, with an increased potential for cloud cover on Monday and Tuesday due to a predicted storm north of the Complex area. Crews are taking advantage of moderated fire activity to make progress tying in fireline around several fires 


Crews finished plumbing line south of the Salmon 33 Fire (142 acres). Resources are continuing fireline construction on the east and north flanks. On the No Man Fire (510 acres), cooperators and crews completed indirect line on the west flank and began patrolling and improving their work. On the south and east sides of the fire, resources are continuing indirect line construction utilizing the 3806 Road. 


Crews plan to try to complete indirect line around the south end of Horse Heaven Creek Fire (412 acres) in the next couple days. Crews are working to complete the last mile of handline construction north of the fire, near the 920 Road. On the Bullpup Fire (131acres), masticators continue improving the 300 Road north of the fireResource Advisors and firefighters continue to work together to develop plans for the Fuller Lake Fire (67 acres) when resources are available. 


Resources continue to prep, improve, and plumb indirect lines surrounding the Reynolds Butte Fire (170 acres) to minimize the footprint of the fire.  An Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) may be used for aerial ignition to tie the main body of the fire to the indirect fireline under favorable terms. Containment lines continue to hold on the Lost Bucket Fire (34 acres). Crews on the ground will continue to monitor the fireline for any activity.  

Overall fire activity is expected to remain minimal, with weather continuing in a similar pattern over the weekend. You can find your local smoke outlook online at:

Forest fire restrictions and danger ratings are as follows: Fire Danger Rating: Very High. Industrial Fire Precaution Levels (IFPLs): 2. Public Use Fire Restrictions (PURs): 2.

CLOSURES: The Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Roseburg District, has issued a closure order for portions of BLM land which border the Umpqua National Forest Emergency Fire Closure north of Steamboat. The closure order can be viewed here: Umpqua National Forest Emergency Fire Closure ORDER NO. 06-15-24-03 and ORDER NO. 06-15-02-24-01 remain in effect and can be found here:

Photo: Constructed dozer fireline north of No Man Fire.

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