NWCC Morning Brief: Friday, October 03, 2014
National Preparedness Level: 1For the National Incident Management Situation Report (IMSR), see: http://www.nifc.gov/nicc/sitreprt.pdf
National Preparedness Level: 1For the National Incident Management Situation Report (IMSR), see: http://www.nifc.gov/nicc/
Summary: In the Northwest (last 24 hrs), light IA with human-caused fires. Some units are conducting prescribed fires as the temperatures increase and the fuels become more receptive after the rain last week. Large fire activity continues to decline.
National Fire Activity Initial attack activity: Light (45 new fires)
New large fires: *0
Large fires contained: 0
Uncontained large fires: *3
Area Command Teams committed: 0
NIMOs committed: 0
Type 1 IMTs committed: 1
Type 2 IMTs committed: 0
*Uncontained large fires include only fires being managed under a full suppression strategy.
Northwest Preparedness Levels: Today: 1
3-Day: 1, 10-Day: 1, 30-Day: 1
Northwest Fire Activity
New fires and acres (Last 24 hrs): 3 fires for 3 acres (0 acres growth on existing large fires*)
OR: 2 fires for 2 acres
WA: 1 fire for 1 acre
*[acreage reductions not included]
Northwest Large Fires
Uncontained Large Fires: *2 (OR:2, WA:0)
*[complexes tallied as 1 fire]
IMTs Committed in NWNIMO Teams committed: 0
Type 1 IMTs committed: 0
Type 2 IMTs committed: 0
Incidents not Previously-Reported: 0
*Uncontained large fires include only fires being managed under a full suppression strategy.
Northwest Preparedness Levels: Today: 1
3-Day: 1, 10-Day: 1, 30-Day: 1
Northwest Fire Activity
New fires and acres (Last 24 hrs): 3 fires for 3 acres (0 acres growth on existing large fires*)
OR: 2 fires for 2 acres
WA: 1 fire for 1 acre
*[acreage reductions not included]
Northwest Large Fires
Uncontained Large Fires: *2 (OR:2, WA:0)
*[complexes tallied as 1 fire]
IMTs Committed in NWNIMO Teams committed: 0
Type 1 IMTs committed: 0
Type 2 IMTs committed: 0
Incidents not Previously-Reported: 0
Incidents Previously-Reported: 2
36 Pit OR-MHF-000728. IMT3 (Wilstead [FS]/West [ODF]). 10 mi SE of Estacada, OR. Start 9/13. Full Suppression. Timber. Cause human. 5,520 acres (+0 ac.). 80% containment. Minimal fire behavior. Steep, rocky terrain. Road and area closures in effect.
Deception Complex OR-WIF-140274. IMT3 (Poet). 2 mi W of Oakridge, OR. Start 8/13. Full Suppression. Timber. Cause lightning. 6,033 acres (+0 ac.). 95% containment. Interior smoldering. Steep, rocky terrain. Road and area closures in effect. Transition to the local unit is planned for tomorrow.
Lists fires (of any size) that singly utilize Monitor, Confine, or Point Zone Protection suppression strategies, or use Multiple Suppression Strategies (which may also include a Full Suppression component).
Northwest RX Burning
Completed (Last 24 hrs): 4 fires for 176 acres
OR: 3 fires for 138 acres
WA: 1 fire for 38 acres
Planned (Next 24 hrs): 6 fires for 414 acres
OR: 2 fires for 247 acres (2 fires for 247 ac. at UPF)
WA: 4 fires for 167 acres (1 fire for 50 ac. at COF, 2 fires for 80 ac. on OWF, 1 fire for 50 ac. on OLY REGION)
Northwest Weather Highlights / Fire Potential:
An upper ridge of high pressure is strengthening over the Pacific Northwest. This will provide sunny dry weather though the weekend and well into next week. Fire danger indices will creep upward, with the biggest increases west of the Cascades by the middle of next week.
NW 7-Day Significant Fire Potential ForecastNat’l 7-Day Significant Fire Potential Forecast
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