Tuesday, August 29, 2023

08/28/2023 Rogue River-Siskiyou NF Fire Update


Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest

Contact: Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest Public Information
Phone: 541.646.9177

Fire Activity Update on the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest

An aerial image of the Copper Fire on 08.26.23. It was fully contained yesterday at 0.35 acres on 08.27.23

8.28.23 News Release

Medford, Ore â€“ Today was another shift of successful work on fires across the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest (RRSNF). Firefighters work to overcome the obstacles of steep, unforgiving terrain, persistent hot and dry conditions, gusting afternoon winds and reduced visibility from heavy smoke impacts across the region. The compromised air quality has drastically reduced the availability of air support for firefighters on the ground. Even so, they continue to make progress in containment of multiple fires on the forest.
The Grayback Fire is on the Wild Rivers Ranger District and is still estimated to be 40 acres. There is line around 100% of the fire and hose lays are being utilized around the perimeter. Lines held last night through the night. Smokejumpers that were assigned to the fire have been released to be available for initial attack if needed. They were replaced by local resources who have been engaged in mop up throughout the day. Aviation support was limited today due to visibility. 
The Anvil Fire is now being managed by Southwest Incident Management Team 3, who are also in command of the Flat Fire. Daily updates for the Anvil Fire will be available on the Flat Fire Facebook page, inciweb, and shared to all RRSNF pages as well. https://www.facebook.com/flatfireoregon2023
The Barklow fire, burning northeast of Gold Beach on the Powers Ranger District, is estimated at nine acres and currently has hose lay and handline around the perimeter. Crews were able to hold the line overnight after catching a small slop over yesterday morning. Mop up efforts will continue to secure the fire. Resources that were supporting the Barklow Fire on loan from the Flat Fire will be released back to their assigned divisions on the Flat Fire tomorrow.
The Winchuck Fire is 0.7 acres and has been 100% lined. Lines continue to hold and crews continue hazard tree removal to secure the perimeter. Mop up is 60% complete and will continue into the evening.
The Cedar Fire is approximately 10.7 acres. There is line around 100% of the fire, but a large hazard tree near the line is in dangerous and hard to access terrain. Until crews can safely remove or otherwise mitigate this tree, they cannot finish the containment line. Mop up continues on the rest of the fire.

For current activity on the Smith River Complex North, visit: https://www.facebook.com/smithrivercomplexnorth
For current activity on the Flat Fire, visit: https://www.facebook.com/flatfireoregon2023
A list of recent fire activity and current status follows:
Date/Time    Name            Status           Acres Cause
🔥 08/20/23  Scraggy          staffed           3.25   Lightning
🔥 08/20/23   Kanaka          mop up          28      Lightning
🔥 08/25/23   Cedar             Staffed           10.8    Lightning
🔥 08/25/23   Anvil               staffed            25.6    Lightning
🔥 08/25/23   Grayback        staffed            40       Pending Investigation
🔥 08/25/23   Barklow          staffed            9         Lightning
🔥 08/25/23   Winchuck       staffed           .7        Lightning
If a fire is listed as fully contained, controlled or out, there will be no further updates for that incident unless significant change occurs.


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