Wednesday, August 30, 2023

08/29/2023 Rogue River Siskiyou NF Fires Update


Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest

Contact: Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest Public Information
Phone: 541.646.9177

Progress Continues on Rogue River-Siskiyou fires

📸 Fire behavior from the Barklow fire earlier this week - steep, rugged terrain has been a challenge for firefighters.

8.29.23 News Release

Medford, Ore â€“ A shift in weather led to clearer skies over the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest which allowed aircraft to fully engage in suppression efforts on fires across the forest. Crews on the ground are engaged in mop up efforts on all remaining incidents.
The Grayback Fire is burning several miles southwest of the community of Williams and is estimated at 40 acres. There is line around 100% of the fire and hose lays are being utilized around the perimeter. Lines held through the night and improved air quality allowed for air resources to reengage on the fire today. Mop up is ongoing on this incident.
The Barklow fire, burning northeast of Gold Beach on the Powers Ranger District, is estimated at nine acres and currently has hose lay and handline around the perimeter. Lines held overnight and mop up continues.
The Winchuck Fire is 0.7 acres and has been 100% lined. Lines have held and crews continue hazard tree removal to secure the perimeter. Mop up is nearly complete on this fire.
There has been no growth on the Cedar Fire at 10.7 acres. There is line around 100% of the fire. Mop up is ongoing.
For current activity on the Smith River Complex North, visit:
For updates for the Anvil and Flat Fires, follow the Flat Fire Facebook page:
A list of recent fire activity and current status follows:
Date/Time     Name             Status            Acres  Cause
🔥 08/20/23   Scraggy           staffed            3.25    Lightning
🔥 08/20/23   Kanaka           mop up          28       Lightning
🔥 08/25/23   Cedar             Staffed           10.7    Lightning
🔥 08/25/23   Grayback        staffed            40       Lightning
🔥 08/25/23   Barklow          staffed            9         Lightning
🔥 08/25/23   Winchuck       staffed            .7        Lightning
If a fire is listed as fully contained, controlled or out, there will be no further updates for that incident unless significant change occurs.

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