Friday, July 26, 2024

7/25/2024 Battle Mountain Complex Fire Update

Battle Mountain Complex

Weather gives slight reprieve, much work to be done


UKIAH, Ore. – Zone 2, the eastern half of the Battle Mountain Complex, now comprised of the 140,879 -acre Monkey Creek Fire and the 4,484 North Fork Owens Fire, continues to test fire lines.


Cooler conditions and blue skies were a sight for sore firefighter eyes today as crews and aircraft began to see the slimmest light at the end of the tunnel. While the fire remains active on the south end of the Monkey Creek Fire, ground resources working in conjunction with helicopters kept things in check.  


On the eastern edge, the fire is holding after burn operations cleared out brush and other flashy fuels along Highway 395. Crews made progress tying in where the fire slopped over on the southeast portion where fire was active but less active than the past few days. Crews are preparing to remove vegetation through burning operations along Camas Creek where fire is still creeping through unburned areas.


“This fire is very terrain driven. We have many miles of dozer line to put in on the flats where the fire is coming out of the drainages,” said Field Operations Section Chief Eric Perkins. “We’re trying to shore up our lines to stop it from spreading north and south.”


Structural taskforces continue to do great work battling direct suppression around homes and outbuildings.


The 4,484-acre North Fork Owens Fire is now 70% contained (the complex stands at 5% containment).


The Battle Mountain Complex consists of the North Fork Owens and Monkey Creek Fires – two of 17 fires in northeast Oregon that started in the late afternoon and evening of July 17, 2024. The Snake Fire merged with the Monkey Creek Fire on July 22, 2024, and the Boneyard Fire merged with Monkey Creek Fire on July 25, 2024.


Evacuations: Level 1 (Be Ready), Level 2 (Be Set) and Level 3 (Go Now) evacuations are in effect. For updated information, visit:




Total Estimated Size: 140,879 acres

North Fork Owens: 4,484 acres

Containment:     5%

Cause:                Under Investigation 

Estimated Cost:            $7,500,000


All Resources

Hand Crews:                45         

Engines:                       75         

Water Tenders:             34         

Dozers:                         30

Helicopters:                    8
Total Personnel:           1,466

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