Thursday, July 25, 2024

7/25/2024 Diamond Complex Update


Diamond Complex July 25, 2024

541-375-0367, 8 am to 8 pm

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Two logos one for the US Forest Service and the other for Interagency IMT NW7 Team with an orca whale on it and flames.

Fires resulting from a lightning storm on July 16 on the Diamond Lake Ranger District of the Umpqua National Forest are under a full suppression strategy, managed as the Diamond Complex.

Currently there are 23 fires totaling an estimated 4,146 acres in the Diamond Complex, with 370 personnel assigned. The Complex is 3% contained. Firefighters are directly attacking the fires’ edge where access and firefighter safety allow, and implementing indirect strategies using constructed control lines, and utilizing natural barriers where access issues and safety concerns prevent direct attack.

Nationally and in the Pacific Northwest, fire activity is putting an extreme demand on firefighting resources. This means that firefighters must carefully prioritize and efficiently utilize available resources to protect values at risk. The highest priority will remain public and firefighter safety and protecting infrastructure and homes.

The fires comprising the Diamond Complex are: Pine Bench, 1,546 acres, and 0% contained, north of Hw138 near Dry Creek; Trail, 830 acres and 5% contained, east of Hwy 138 on the west slope of Mt. Thielsen; Lemolo, 627 acres and 0% contained, north of Lemolo Lake on Bunker Hill; Pig Iron, 27 acres and 25% contained, Pig Iron Mountain north of Hwy 138; Watson, 166 acres and 0% contained, north of Hwy 138 on Watson Ridge, Brodie, 98 acres and 0% contained, about 5 miles south of Hwy 138 and south of Devils Canyon; Trep, 109 acres and 0% contained, about 4 miles south of Hwy 138; Garwood, 5 acres and 65% contained, about 3 miles southwest of Mt. Bailey; Slide, 0.1 acres and 90% contained, northeast of Pine Bench; Potter, 504 acres, north of Hwy 138 about 2 miles southeast of Potter Mt.;  Ooya, 136 acres, north of Hwy 138 about 1 mile northeast of Bird Point; Clearwater, 1 acre and 90% contained, south of Hwy 138 about 5 miles northwest of Diamond Lake;  Elephant, 0.7 acres and 0% contained, 2 miles southwest of Lemolo Lake; Lost Bear, 5 acres and 0% contained, 2 miles south of Hwy 138, Lost, 14 acres and 0% contained, 4 miles south of Hwy 138; Loafer, 24 acres 0% contained, one-half mile north of Watson Ridge; Sheep, .3 acres and 0% contained, 3 miles north of Diamond Lake Thin, 1 acre and 0% contained, four miles northwest of Diamond Lake; Trap, 4 acres and 0% contained, 1 mile south of Hwy 138 near Trap Mountain; Bear Trap, 45 acres and 0% contained, 2 miles south of Hwy 138 near Bear Trap Mountain; Campwood, 8 acres and 0% contained, 2 miles south of Hwy 138; Rough, 8 acres and 0% contained, two miles south of Hwy 138, and two new starts (unnamed) totaling nine acres, 0% contained, one north and one south of Hwy 138.

Yesterday, firefighters continued active suppression on all fires, with the Trail, Pig Iron, Lemolo and Pine Bench fires as priorities. Lemolo has become the highest priority fire to protect critical infrastructure. On the Lemolo fire, fire line is established on the east and northeast of the 700 road. Firefighters are working directly on the Watson Fire. The Potter fire has crossed into the Willamette National Forest. On the Pig Iron fire, work continues to get the fire into patrol status. Firefighters worked to keep the Pine Bench fire west of Forest Road 4775, and successfully suppressed several spot fires. Several of the newly identified fires were successfully attacked and contained.

Today, firefighters will continue direct suppression on accessible fires, and will develop specific suppression strategies for other less accessible fires to be carried out as resources become available.

Weather: Today will be slightly cooler with higher humidity and lighter winds. While these conditions favor firefighting, very dry forest fuels and steep terrain will still allow persistent fire spread.

Closures and Evacuations: Umpqua National Forest has issued two closures across the forest in response to fire activity to protect public and wildland firefighter safety. Emergency Fire Closure ORDER NO. 06-15-24-03 and Emergency Fire Closure ORDER NO. 06-15-02-24-01 which impact all of the Cottage Grove Ranger District, most of the Diamond Lake Ranger District, and parts of the Tiller and North Umpqua Ranger Districts. The closure orders can be found here: Additionally, Diamond Lake, Thielsen View, and Broken Arrow Campgrounds are closed through July 28, 2024, and will be reevaluated closer to that date. Fire danger is set at High and Public Use Restrictions are set at Level 2: 

Douglas County Sheriff has issued a Level 3: GO NOW and Level 2: BE SET for the Trail Fire and Lemolo Fire. There is a Level 2: BE SET for the Pine Bench Fire. Please see detailed information here:  

Daily Update for the Diamond Complex fires for July 25

Public information map of the Diamond Complex fires for July 25

Smoke Outlook for Southern Oregon for July 25

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