Lucerne Wash.-- Warmer and drier weather conditions over the past several days have led to increased fire behavior on the Wolverine Fire, burning 3 miles northwest of Lucerne. The lightning-ignited fire started on June 29th and has rapidly grown to approximately 1526 acres. Fire direction has changed and the perimeter is well established south of Wolverine Creek and is now moving toward Lucerne. Between Wolverine and Riddle Creek drainages the fire and has reached the lakeshore, and within Riddle Creek the fire is actively backing downslope.
The fire has reached management action points put in place by fire staff and Level 3 evacuation notices were served July 30th to Lightning and Riddle Creek cabin owners. A Level 3 evacuation will go in effect Saturday afternoon in Holden Village and Lucerne. Although there is no immediate threat to Holden Village, there is concern that its single road access and evacuation route could be compromised if the fire should continue its momentum to the south. Holden is home to approximately 350 residents and mine remediation workers and their safety is priority.
The Pacific Crest Trail detour will remain open at this time; however there will be no bus transportation to Lucerne Landing and Holden Village is closed to public entry.
High temperatures are expected throughout the weekend which may further increase fire activity. Smoke is visible throughout the Lake Chelan corridor, including downtown and in Stehekin, but all businesses remain open and are welcoming visitors. Boaters and Lady of the Lake passengers will be able to see active fire including individual and group tree torching. Please stay clear of firefighter activity and remain a safe distance away from the shoreline in the vicinity of the fire. Forfurtherinformationon theWolverineFireplease visit:
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